Applying the Colored Frames in Adobe Premiere


1. Import a colored frame into the Project window. In Premiere 4.x left click on the grey area under the title bar of the Project window and choose Import File from the pop up menu. In Premiere 5 choose from the File menu Import | File or press Ctl + I (Macintosh: Option key + I) .

2. After you selected a frame in the file dialog, it will appear in the Project window.

3. Drag a video clip onto track A (Premiere 5: Video 1A track).

4. Drag the frame onto track S1 (Premiere 5: Video 2 track).

5. Click on the frame to activate it and press Ctl + T (Windows Premiere 4.2), Ctl + G (Windows Premiere 5), Option key + T (Macintosh Premiere 4.2) or Option key + G (Macintosh Premiere 5) to invoke the Transparency dialog.

6. Select from the Key type combo box "RGB Difference".

7. Make sure the color box in the top middle Color frame is white. If not click on it and choose a white color.

8. Drag the Similarity slider to the right until the white area of the frame disappears from the preview in the top right Sample frame.

9. Select "High" from the Smoothing combo box to soften the inner border of the frame.

10. If you want to add a Shadow activate the Drop Shadow check box.

11. Finally press the OK button.

It is recommended to create a virtual clip of this arrangement, if you want to apply further transitions to it.